My Blog
I turned 4 weeks old yesterday, and my Mom cannot believe it!  She says that it seems like I was born yesterday, not 29 days ago!  Tomorrow I’ll be a month old.  It’s craziness.
I have been doing all kinds of neat things.  I now track movements with my eyes.  I also coo, goo, and aww, and I’ve started to roll over and do push ups.  In fact there is a video posted of me rolling over.  Soon I’ll be crawling and getting into all kinds of trouble. I’m also sleeping longer at night.  The last two nights I’ve gone 4 hours straight (5 hours between feeds), which Mommy really likes!
Mom says that I am very observant, and enjoy watching the world around me.  I also am fascinated by lights, and am often caught staring at light fixtures (weird, I know, but look who my father is).
I’m getting so big too, I weigh a little over 8 pounds now.
I just wanted to check in really quick before nap time.  Hope you enjoy the new pics and video!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
4 Weeks Old!